
Walk Your Way

Provides toggle options when you click on your Sim to force their walkstyle to be Walk, Jog, or Run.

With the release of abidoang's mod Walk In Style, I'm pleased to recommend it to you if you want greater walkstyle variety in the spirit of this mod. His mod supports, in his words, "almost all types of walk styles available in the game."

Far more variety than what this mod provides!

Screenshot of sim walking with text overlay 'walk your way' Screenshot of walk your way menu

Latest: V1.0, released after EA Patch, November 13, 2018



With this mod, Sims who are teen or older can toggle their walkstyle at will, out of three standard options: Walk, Jog, or Run. This will override most other walkstyle priorities, so beware of things like forcing a pregnant sim to run—you may have unexpected or silly results! I made this mod on a whim one day after reading a thread where people were talking about wanting to be able to do things like force their Sim to walk and enjoy the scenery.

  • Always Walk: When active, your Sim will choose the Walk walkstyle over most other walkstyle priorities, including walking over long distances.
  • Always Jog: When active, your Sim will choose the Jog walkstyle over most other walkstyle priorities.
  • Always Run: When active, your Sim will choose the Run walkstyle over most other walkstyle priorities.