
8 Pack of Teen Exclusive Traits

8 unique traits for Teen Sims to expand your options with them, providing some extremes of personality to choose from.

Screenshot of Frenzied Rebel Trait in CAS Screenshot of Electric Sliderule Trait in CAS Screenshot of Perpetual Motion Trait in CAS

Latest: v4.1.3, released after EA Patch, July 26, 2022

Note: Features with an asterisk next to them involve xpac content.

Patch Notes


Frenzied Rebel Trait

  • Copy of Autonomy Trait Commodities from Angry Emotion
  • Being at Work or School gives a +5 Angry Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being at a Bar venue gives a +3 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • * Being at a Nightclub venue gives a +3 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being at Home Lot gives a +3 Angry Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being near their parent(s) gives a +1 Angry Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "proximity to sim(s)"
  • Doing Homework (Normal, Extra Credit, or Makeup) gives a +3 Angry Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "action in progress"
  • Random +3 Energized Moodlet, Duration = 3 hours (see Random Positive Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Random +5 Angry Moodlet, Duration = 4 hours (see Random Negative Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Whims: Get into a Fight, Rage Run on the Treadmill, Rant and Rave to Someone, Send an Angry Text, Stomp Trash, Stomp in a Puddle, Mock Someone, Insult Someone's Face
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Perpetual Motion, Relentless Tease (Mood: Energized)
  • Enemies: Goody Two Shoes, Electric Sliderule (Mood: Angry)
  • Mixed: Living Instrument (Mood: Inspired)

Living Instrument Trait

  • Copy of Autonomy Trait Commodities from Inspired Emotion
  • Skill gain for Guitar, Piano, Violin are 1.5, up from 1.0
  • * Skill gain for Singing, DJ Mixing, and Organ are 1.5, up from 1.0
  • * Being at a Nightclub (Bar in Base Game version) venue gives a +5 Inspired Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Playing an Instrument gives a +2 Inspired Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "action in progress"
  • Being near another Sim who is Playing an Instrument gives a +2 Inspired Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "proximity to sim(s)"
  • Random +3 Inspired Moodlet, Duration = 3 hours (see Random Positive Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Random +5 Sad Moodlet, Duration = 4 hours (see Random Negative Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Whims: Buy an Instrument, Discuss Favorite Band, Play an Instrument, Play the Guitar, Play the Piano, Play the Violin, Work on Writing a Song
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Perpetual Motion, Walking Punchline (Mood: Inspired)
  • Enemies: Emotional Conduit, Relentless Tease (Mood: Sad)
  • Mixed: Electric Sliderule (Mood: Focused)

Walking Punchline Trait

  • Copy of Autonomy Trait Commodities from Goofball Trait
  • Skill gain for Comedy is 2.0, up from 1.0
  • Wearing Party Category Clothing gives a +1 Playful Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "current clothing category"
  • Wearing Formal Category Clothing gives a +2 Embarrassed Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "current clothing category"
  • Random +3 Playful Moodlet, Duration = 3 hours (see Random Positive Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Random +5 Embarrassed Moodlet, Duration = 4 hours (see Random Negative Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Using Comedy skill triggers a 30s duration Playful Moodlet (this buff can be refreshed by invoking Comedy skill while it is active). Each time Comedy skill is invoked with this buff active, there is a chance of gaining a longer duration Playful Moodlet, which opens you up to the next tier strength of 30s duration Playful moodlet from invoking Comedy skill. This escalating Playfulness caps out at a 4 hour duration buff +3 Playful Moodlet, which causes the 30s duration Playful Moodlet from invoking Comedy skill to be +5 strength.
  • Whims: Tell a Joke, Write Jokes, Goof Around with Someone, Do an Impression for Someone, Flash Crazy Eyes at Someone, Play in a Puddle
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Emotional Conduit, Living Instrument (Mood: Playful)
  • Enemies: Relentless Tease, Electric Sliderule (Mood: Embarrassed)
  • Mixed: Frenzied Rebel (Mood: Angry)

Perpetual Motion Trait

  • Copy of Autonomy Trait Commodities from Active Trait
  • Skill gain for Fitness is 2.0, up from 1.0
  • Skill gain for Charisma is 1.5, up from 1.0
  • Exercising gives a +2 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "action in progress"
  • Exercising gives periodic +3 toward filling up Fun Need
  • Being Outdoors gives a +2 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "action in progress"
  • Wearing Athletic Category Clothing gives a +1 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "current clothing category"
  • Being at a Gym venue gives a +2 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being at a Park venue gives a +5 Energized Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being at a Library venue gives a +5 Bored Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being at Work, School, or doing Homework gives a +3 Bored Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"/"action in progress"
  • Random +3 Energized Moodlet, Duration = 3 hours (see Random Positive Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Random +5 Bored Moodlet, Duration = 4 hours (see Random Negative Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Whims: Become Energized, Run on a Treadmill, Work Out on a Workout Machine, Use a Punching Bag, Go for a Jog, Go Swimming
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Frenzied Rebel, Living Instrument (Mood: Energized)
  • Enemies: Goody Two Shoes, Electric Sliderule (Mood: Bored)
  • Mixed: Emotional Conduit (Mood: Flirty)

Emotional Conduit Trait

  • Copy of Autonomy Trait Commodities from Loner Trait
  • Babysitter Career gain is 2.0, up from 1.0
  • Being near Toddler or Child Sims gives a +3 Confident Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "proximity to sim(s)"
  • Being near Toddler or Child Sims broadcasts a +1 Happy Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "proximity to sim(s)"
  • "Totally Fine": Being near other Sims' Emotions gives a +5 Confident Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "proximity to sim(s)"
  • Having "Totally Fine" Buff has a chance to trigger a +10 Sad Moodlet, Duration = 10 seconds (see Random Emotional Trigger Buff for EC template for details on frequency)
  • Having "Totally Fine" Buff has a chance to trigger a +10 Uncomfortable Moodlet, Duration = 10 seconds (see Random Emotional Trigger Buff for EC template for details on frequency)
  • Having "Totally Fine" Buff has a chance to trigger a +10 Angry Moodlet, Duration = 10 seconds (see Random Emotional Trigger Buff for EC template for details on frequency)
  • Whims: Hug Someone, Buy a Toy, Be Alone
  • Trait Relations: None. I felt it didn't make sense to give them emotion-based proximity buffs, since they already gain a generic +5 Confident from being near other Sims' emotions.

Electric Sliderule Trait

  • Fun decays at a rate of 0.25 down from 1.0
  • Autonomy attraction for Fun is set at a rate of 0.25 down from 1.0
  • Skill gain for Programming, Handiness, Logic, and Rocket Science are 1.5, up from 1.0
  • Using Programming, Handiness, Logic, or Rocket Science gives a +2 Focused Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "action in progress"
  • Being at a Library venue gives a +5 Focused Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Doing Homework (Normal or Extra Credit) gives a +2 Focused Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "action in progress"
  • Being at Work (includes School and Jobs) gives a +3 Focused Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Random +3 Focused Moodlet, Duration = 3 hours (see Random Positive Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Whims: Play Chess, Work on a Rocket for an hour, Hack Something Successfully, Practice Programming, Try to Hack Something, Upgrade an Object, Repair an Object, Travel to the Library
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Goody Two Shoes, Living Instrument (Mood: Focused)
  • Enemies: Perpetual Motion, Frenzied Rebel (Mood: Tense)
  • Mixed: Walking Punchline (Mood: Playful)

Relentless Tease Trait

  • Copy of Autonomy Trait Commodities from Romantic Trait
  • Autonomy Commodities from Romantic Trait are weighted at 2.0, up from 1.0
  • Skill gain for Charisma is 2.0, up from 1.0
  • Wearing Everyday or Party Category Clothing gives a +2 Flirty Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "current clothing category"
  • Wearing Party Category Clothing gives periodic +1 toward filling up Fun Need, Duration = dependent on "current clothing category"
  • Being Flirty gives periodic +1 toward filling up Fun Need, Duration = dependent on "current mood type"
  • Random +3 Flirty Moodlet, Duration = 3 hours (see Random Positive Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Random +5 Embarrassed Moodlet, Duration = 4 hours (see Random Negative Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Whims: Flirt with Someone, Do Something Romantic, Freshen up in the Mirror, Kiss Someone, Become Flirty, Tell a Dirty Joke to Someone, Send Flirty Text
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Frenzied Rebel, Emotional Conduit (Mood: Flirty)
  • Enemies: Walking Punchline, Living Instrument (Mood: Embarrassed)
  • Mixed: Goody Two Shoes (Mood: Angry)

Goody Two Shoes Trait

  • Being at a Bar venue gives a +10 Tense Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • * Being at a Nightclub venue gives a +10 Tense Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • * Being at a Cafe venue gives a +2 Confident Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "being at location"
  • Being near their parent(s) gives a +1 Happy Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "proximity to sim(s)"
  • Being Angry has a chance to trigger a +3 Tense Moodlet, Duration = 2 hours (see Random Emotional Trigger Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Being Flirty has a chance to trigger a +3 Tense Moodlet, Duration = 2 hours (see Random Emotional Trigger Buff template for details on frequency)
  • Wearing Formal Category Clothing gives a +2 Confident Moodlet, Duration = dependent on "current clothing category"
  • Whims: Take a Shower, Take a Bath, Compliment Someone, Make a Friend
  • Trait Relations / Proximity Buffs (all proximity buffs of this type are +2):
  • Allies: Electric Sliderule, Walking Punchline (Mood: Focused)
  • Enemies: Perpetual Motion, Frenzied Rebel (Mood: Angry)
  • Mixed: Relentless Tease (Mood: Embarrassed)

Random Buff Templates

Random Positive Buff:

  • Strength: +3
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Min Wait: 360 (6 hours)
  • Max Wait: 600 (10 hours)
  • Min Wait (initial): 240 (4 hours)
  • Max Wait (initial): 360 (6 hours)

Random Negative Buff:

  • Strength: +5
  • Duration: 4 hours
  • Min Wait: 420 (7 hours)
  • Max Wait: 600 (10 hours)
  • Min Wait (initial): 240 (4 hours)
  • Max Wait (initial): 480 (8 hours)

Random Emotional Trigger Buff (one emotion causes another to trigger randomly while active):

  • Strength: +3
  • Duration: 2 hours
  • Min Wait: 60 (1 hour)
  • Max Wait: 240 (4 hours)
  • Min Wait (initial): 60 (1 hour)
  • Max Wait (initial): 240 (4 hours)

Random Emotional Trigger Buff for Emotional Conduit (one emotion causes another to trigger randomly while active):

  • Strength: +10
  • Duration: 10 seconds
  • Min Wait: 60 (1 hour)
  • Max Wait: 240 (4 hours)
  • Min Wait (initial): 60 (1 hour)
  • Max Wait (initial): 240 (4 hours)

Two Versions

The package file comes in two versions: Base Game and Expansions (ONLY USE ONE AT A TIME!). The Expansions version includes references to Nightclub venue, Cafe venue, and DJ Mixing skill from Get Together; Singing skill from City Living; and Organ skill from Vampires.

If you only have some of the above named Expansions, you are welcome to use the Expansions version anyway. I don't have any reason to believe that issues are guaranteed to crop up (mostly likely the references to expansion stuff will just get ignored by the game), but the possibility of unforeseen issues is there, so fair warning.