
Phone Animation Replaced with Listening Animation

Wanting to play a time period before Phones, or just tired of seeing your Sims on them all the time? This mod replaces Phone animations with the listening animation.

Screenshot of listening animation with text overlay 'The glory of watching paint dry now found in the usage of a phone' Screenshot of Elder Sim using phone as listening animation Screenshot of Child Sim using phone as listening animation

Latest: V2, released after EA Patch, November 13, 2018


Animation Replacement

This mod replaces the following Animation Element files and one JAZZ file, changing what animation they call on:

  • Phone_Browse | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000002DB5
  • Phone_Chat | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000002DB6
  • Phone_Chat_Exit_Only | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000012E34
  • Phone_Chat_No_Exit | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000012E33
  • Phone_Play | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000002DB7
  • Phone_Text | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000002DB8
  • Teen_Idles | S4_EE17C6AD_00000000_0000000000009982
  • Teen_Solo | S4_02D5DF13_00000000_C784E34535395DC5 | JAZZ file